Some Recommended Links : Just what is the Good Electronic Medical Health Record all about?... LEGAL & ADVOCACY PAGE UPDATED... 2000 - November 2001 - February |
KEY: [H] indicates a homepage... [GO!] indicates a specific page other than a homepage... ***** indicates very good information LEGAL ISSUES QUESTIONS & ANSWERS What is a 'Plea Of Insanity' in a court case? ANSWER ONE How can I use the Federal Disability Discrimination Act (1993)? ANSWER ONE LEGAL CENTRES, RESOURCES & LEGAL AID NATIONAL [H] [GO!] Links to every Legal Centre in the country [H] Law4U - this site is still being developed, but will have information on the law Australia-wide [H] - Information for Youth [H] 'Consumers Online' - C'th Govt information for consumers [H] [GO!] 'Medical Defense Conspiracy' - Assistance for consumers with medical litigation [H] Financial & Consumer Rights Council [H] Australian Consumers Association - CHOICE Magazine Online [H] Australian Catholic Social Justice Council [GO!] Dignity & Rights of Women [H] [GO!] Communications Law Centre NSW/Vic [H] [GO!] Human Rights Information Centre ACT [H] Legal Aid NSW [H] Redfern Legal Centre - NSW [H] Shoalcoast/Nowra Community Legal Centre [H] Campletown Legal Centre - NSW [H] NSW Legal Aid Commission [H] [GO!] NSW Legal Information Access Centre [H] [GO!] Rights of People with Disabilities VIC [H] Legal Aid QLD [H] Legal Aid [GO!] QLD Legal Information SA [H] Legal Aid [H] Health Rights & Community Action [GO!] Advice for making complaints in SA WA [H] Legal Aid TAS NT GOVERNMENT HEALTH LEGISLATION & LEGALITIES NATIONAL ACT NSW [H] [GO!] NSW Health Legal Branch QLD [GO!] NEW Mental Health Legislation - 2000 [GO!] Mental Health Legislation 1974 [GO!] Improvements to the system for victims of crime where the offender has MI SA [H] [GO!] Mental Health Act 1993 WA TAS NT HEALTH CARE COMPLAINTS COMMISSIONS NATIONAL ACT NSW [H] NSW Health Care Complaints Commission [H] Community Services Commission - hears complaints from consumers of community services [GO!] A review of the deaths of people with disabilities in care (PDF Document) VIC [H] Health Services Complaints Commissioner QLD SA WA TAS NT [H] Health & Community Service Complaints Commission DISABILITY, HUMAN RIGHTS & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY COMMISSIONS NATIONAL [H] Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission - C'th Govt [GO!] Disability Rights Index [GO!] Human Rights Index [H] Equal Employment Opportunity for Women [H] [GO!] Disability Discrimination Act 1992 [GO!] Privacy Act [GO!] Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission Act [GO!] Equal Employment Opportunities Act ACT [H] [GO!] ACT Discrimination Act NSW [H] [GO!] NSW Anti-Discrimination Board [H] NSW Equal Employment Opportunity Commission [H] [GO!] Anti-Discrimination Act NSW [GO!] Privacy & Personal Information Act [H] [GO!] Disability Complaints Service NSW VIC [H] Equal Opportunity Commission Victoria QLD [H] QLD Anti-Discrimination Commission SA [H] SA Equal Opportunity Commission [H] [GO!] SA Equal Opportunity Act WA TAS [H] [GO!] Disability Services Act NT [H] NT Anti-Discrinimation Commission [H] [GO!] Anti-Discrimination Act [GO!] Anti-Discrimination Regulations OMBUDSMAN'S OFFICES NATIONAL [H] Private Health Insurance Ombudsman ACT NSW QLD SA WA TAS NT PRIVACY COMMISSIONS & LEGISLATION NATIONAL [H] Privacy Commissioner [GO!] What are my rights under the C'th Privacy Act [GO!] Factsheet from the Attorney-Generals office ACT NSW [H] [GO!] NSW Privacy Commissioner [H] [GO!] Privacy & Personal Information Act VIC [H] Government Health Services Privacy Information QLD SA WA TAS NT POLICE, CORRECTIVE SERVICES & CRIMINOLOGY NATIONAL [H] Australian Institute of Criminology [H] [GO!] National Crime Prevention - C'th Govt [H] [GO!] Mental Health & Sentencing - ABC Radio Report, Transcript ACT NSW [H] NSW Dept. of Corrections [H] [GO!] NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics & Research QLD [GO!] Improvements to the system for victims of crime where the offender has MI - QLD SA WA TAS NT LAW SOCIETIES & REFORM COMMISSIONS NATIONAL [H] Australian Law Reform Commission [H] [GO!] Family Law Council ACT NSW [H] [GO!] NSW Govt Law & Justice [H] Law Society of NSW [H] NSW Law Foundation [H] NSW Law Reform Commission [GO!] Relationships & Property QLD SA WA [H] [GO!] Law Reform Commission - WA TAS NT GOVERNMENT PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRIES [H] [GO!] Access to Medical Records, Report - C'th Senate Cttee [H] [GO!] C'th Parliament Senate Cttee's - Historical Index [H] [GO!] Legal Aid Report 3 - C'th Senate Legal & Cons. Cttee [H] [GO!] Inquiry into the Australian Legal Aid System - C'th Senate Inquiry [H] [GO!] Report on Access to Medical Records [H] [GO!] C'th Rehabilitation Service Reform Bill RESEARCHERS & STUDIES [H] Australian Institute of Criminology [GO!] Researcher - Assoc Prof Susan Hayes - Syd Uni [GO!] Researcher - Dr Tricia A. Fox - Gippsland Campus [GO!] Researcher - Mr Glenn Ross, Prison Hlth Services, WA [GO!] Researcher - Mr Stuart Byrne, Psychology Uni SA ADVOCACY QUESTIONS & ANSWERS [H] [GO!] What is Power of Attorney? - Law Soc NSW [H] [GO!] What are disibility advocacy services? - Draft Report DIRCSA [H] [GO!] What are the types of Advocacy? - DIRCSA RESOURCES [H] DIRCSA - Disability Resource Centre - SA [H] [GO!] Disability Action Inc. - Advocacy Information Network PUBLIC TRUSTEES NATIONAL ACT NSW [H] NSW Public Trustee QLD SA WA TAS NT GUARDIANSHIP TRIBUNALS NATIONAL ACT NSW [H] NSW Guardianship Tribunal [H] Office of the Public Guardian QLD SA [H] Guardianship Tribunal WA TAS NT GOVERNMENT ADVOCACY SERVICES NATIONAL [H] [GO!] National Disability Advocacy Program - C'TH FACS ACT NSW [H] [GO!] NSW Mental Health Advocacy Service [H] Office of the Protective Commissioner - looks after your finances [GO!] Information about the Commissioners Activities [GO!] Case Studies of clients [GO!] Other important groups [H] [GO!] NSW MH Advocacy Service - State Lib Database QLD SA [H] Office of the Public Advocate WA TAS NT |